Developing leaders to develop people
Your leadership is everything you do that effects the organisation’s objectives and well-being of people who work within it. Respected leaders concentrate on:
- what they are (such as their beliefs and character)
- what they know (such as job, tasks, and human nature)
- what they do (such as implementing, motivating, and providing direction)
At KAA we take leadership very seriously. This is why we offer a wide range of programmes to support you and your organisation, from the smallest Infants school to the largest Secondary school.
We understand cutting edge theory and practice around leadership and have designed flexible programmes that reflect this. It is important to us that you and your team will be able to get the best value from the programmes so that your organisation can get the best from you.
Who's it for?
Aspiring or middle leaders currently responsible for co-ordinating or managing a subject or aspect of school provision.
Programme Overview
This four-day leadership programme provides the opportunity for middle leaders to improve their leadership behaviours and develop the skills required to make real changes to standards in their area of responsibility.
Who's it for?
Aspiring, recently appointed and experienced Senior Leaders in schools.
Programme Overview
This two-day programme explores the opportunities and challenges presented by Senior Leadership. Recent research into effective and successful leadership practices underpins the activities and strategies included in the programme.
Who's it for?
Existing Senior and Middle Leaders working in Primary or Secondary Schools.
Programme Overview
This programme provides an ideal progression route from the KAA Leading Learning from the Middle programme.
Who's it for?
Senior Leaders in all settings
Programme Overview
Research shows strong evidence that the culture of an organisation has a significant impact on its overall performance.
Who's it for?
For those leaders who have attended a KAA leadership programme and wish to take their leadership development further.
Programme Overview
This internationally recognised certification of your Leadership and Management expertise and will enhance both your professional standing and impact within your school.
Who's it for?
Senior and Middle Leaders of all levels, including Data Managers
Programme Overview
The programme has been designed with school leaders at all levels in mind, and will provide guidance, research evidence and practical ideas and tools for you to consider.
Who's it for?
Senior Leaders in all settings
Programme Overview
Building on your existing skills and knowledge, our sessions are designed to move you from data literacy to data mastery over a period of 3-6 weeks.
Bespoke Senior Leadership Team Development
We have years of experience designing personalised programmes for Senior Leadership Teams
in schools in England and internationally.
We are happy to discuss your professional learning
requirements and enable you to develop an effective and high performing Senior Team.