SGIS Annual Conference in 2020 (POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 2021)
Event Details
Friday March 20th and Saturday March 21st Venue: Institut Florimont, Geneva The 2020 conference will be a bilingual conference. 20-20 vision: A focus on the changing face of education KAA are
Event Details
Friday March 20th and Saturday March 21st
Venue: Institut Florimont, Geneva
The 2020 conference will be a bilingual conference.
20-20 vision: A focus on the changing face of education
KAA are delighted to be presenting at the SGIS Annual Conference.
AGM Board presentation Thursday evening 60 minutes English
Successful Schools: What recent research tells us about excellent leadership and learning
This presentation will provide an overview and summary of recent educational research findings. The key theme will be school leadership, identifying what researchers have found are the common factors in well-led schools. The presentation will also explore the characteristics of successful leaders and consider how we can ensure leadership has a positive impact on student outcomes and organisational culture.
Workshops (*These workshops can be facilitated in French)
- *Implementing sustainable change:
How can we lead and manage change successfully and ensure it is sustained over time? In this workshop we will consider the factors required to implement change. Drawing on proven models we will identify clear steps and practical strategies to ensure successful and sustainable improvement in schools. - Creating a collaborative culture:
In this workshop we will consider the case for collaboration and explore practical ways of developing a culture of supportive teamwork. - Leading for professional learning:
Teachers have a professional responsibility to be learners. Professional learning is not about “fixing” poor teachers, rather the opportunity to learn and develop to be the best we can be. This workshop will look at ways to provide professional learning in your school to ensure that all teachers have the opportunity to learn, develop and improve their classroom performance. - Wellbeing and happiness: Researchers have found significant evidence that studying happiness makes us happier. What are other factors in determining how happy we are? Some of the things that impact our happiness are not as we might expect…….most people have the potential to be happier. How can we make a positive difference to our wellbeing and happiness?
- Developing a good worklife balance:
What can we do to ensure we maintain a healthy balance between our work and the rest of our life? Busy people often feel their lives are out of balance. There are practical things we can do to improve the balance and this workshop will explore some strategies which aim to create worklife balance. - *Outstanding teaching and learning
Recent research into classroom practice for outstanding learning and progress identifies key elements which all teachers should apply. What are these keys to excellence? How can we help every teacher to increase their classroom impact positively? - *Responsive teaching and assessment:
Responsive teaching or formative assessment has been proven to increase student learning and progress. In this workshop we will explore some of the practical classroom strategies used by the most effective classroom teachers. By the end of this workshop you will have plenty of ideas and techniques to share with you staff.
- *Using technology in the classroom to engage learners and increase progress:
Making effective use of technology in the classroom can help engagement and promote progress and learning. In this workshop we will identify some easy to use, practical ways to use ipads, laptops and phones to make learning interesting and effective. - Embedding a coaching culture:
Research shows coaching to be a highly effective leadership style. How can we ensure our staff develop the coaching skills required to impact positively on the culture? By using coaching techniques we can enhance professional development and performance management in the school. - *Culture – why does it matter?
This workshop will look at the work of writers, researchers and thinkers on the importance of organisational culture. Unless leaders are proactive in designing a positive culture, researchers find it becomes negative by default. We will look at some ways leaders have improved organisational culture and staff morale.
march 20 (Friday) - 21 (Saturday)
Institut Florimont
Avenue du Petit-Lancy 37, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland