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Basman Zora


Basman Zora

Development Consultant

As an experienced headteacher and senior leader, Basman has led two outstanding, international schools in the Middle East and in South East Asia. She started her teaching career in inner-city London comprehensive schools as an English teacher and senior leader. Her expertise in teacher development and CPD; language and literacy, and in school improvement led to her appointment as the English consultant for the National Strategy, working across London schools, advising senior and middle leaders.

Basman is passionate about teaching and learning and school leadership; she has experience in leading on classroom pedagogy, pastoral care, school improvement and leadership. She has worked with a variety of COBIS and BSME schools, delivering high-quality CPD programmes, including middle and senior leadership programmes. A qualified ISI inspector (Independent School Inspectorate), she has developed relevant experiences in leading and inspecting British schools overseas, and of successful implementation of BSO standards. Basman is also a COBIS Lead Improvement Partner.

Basman has delivered the KAA leadership programmes, for a number of years now and in various international locations including Europe and the Middle East, always receiving excellent feedback.

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