Facilitated Flipped Classrooms
For many, if not most teachers, the landscape of the classroom has changed. They have very quickly had to adapt their teaching to a virtual environment. Many are valiantly trying to provide live lessons using Teams or Zoom etc. Many are doing their best to recreate the in-person classroom experience online, with teachers recording what they would normally do and say.
Instead of recreating ‘traditional lessons’ in front of a camera, what if we think differently about why and how we present learning to our students?
One increasingly popular approach is to ‘flip’ the traditional 3-part lesson to create meaningful online experiences that are put into practice in the classroom (or in ‘live sessions’) with the teacher.
This facilitated version of Flipped Classrooms includes ideas and activities to support leadership teams to develop a strategic approach to developing Flipped Classroom pedagogy in their schools, as well as an introduction to approach itself.
This module will introduce you to the
pedagogical approach known as Flipped Classroom.
We will explore the principles of the strategy
and a simple design process to get you started.
The module is suitable for leaders and teachers who
want to explore ways to align pedagogy with the virtual environment